Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast

How To Know If You're Listening To A True Or A False Twin Flame Teacher | With Andi & Niki

Andi Bilibani, Niki Zeqiri Episode 11

Twin Flames Andi and Niki have been in Union for several years now. As they share with us the beautiful unfolding of their love story from how they met to coming together in Union, they also talk about the struggles they experienced in the beginning because they didn’t know how to navigate the Twin Flame journey on their own. In their search for answers, they followed false spiritual teachers who were not supporting them in being together and whose guidance caused a lot of toxicity in their relationship.

They had to take space from each other for some time, which is when they found Twin Flames Universe and started applying the Teachings of Union in their life and Union. In Andi’s words, this saved their Union. They were back together in no time and have been growing and thriving together ever since.

Listen to their entire story in Episode 11 and find out how to leave behind all struggle on the Twin Flame journey and how to recognize the difference between a true and a false spiritual teacher.


At Twin Flames Universe, you have everything you need to permanently heal separation from your Twin Flame and achieve your Harmonious Union. The journey to Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is a science and a process that we are here to help you master for yourself.

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