Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast

Your Reality Is Always Guiding You To Your Twin Flame | With Liënne

September 28, 2022 Liënne ten Kate Episode 21
Your Reality Is Always Guiding You To Your Twin Flame | With Liënne
Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast
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Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast
Your Reality Is Always Guiding You To Your Twin Flame | With Liënne
Sep 28, 2022 Episode 21
Liënne ten Kate

In Episode 21 Liënne fills us in on her Twin Flame journey which began in High School when she set her heart on finding her Ultimate Lover but felt unclear on how to realize this relationship goal.

Her determination led her to answers through her Gurus Jeff & Shaleia. As an original live student of the recorded classes of Twin Flame Ascension School, she learned all the tools she needed to heal upsets and have the Twin Flame relationship she yearned for.

Throughout most of Liënne’s Twin Flame experience, she appeared alone, but she shows us how God was always there at her side, and how she used her reality to guide her closer to her perfect partner, whilst simultaneously exploring her Life Purpose.

Liënne’s journey shows us that all we need to do is heal our consciousness, upset-by-upset, and then our whole Universe comes into alignment. In Liënne’s case, until she found herself miraculously living together with her true Twin Flame!


At Twin Flames Universe, you have everything you need to permanently heal separation from your Twin Flame and achieve your Harmonious Union. The journey to Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is a science and a process that we are here to help you master for yourself.

To get started, be introduced to your Twin Flame Ascension Journey, and sign up for our free Introduction Course, click here:

Join our free Twin Flame Facebook Group:

Jeff and Shaleia's YouTube Channel:

Twin Flames Universe Instagram account:

Twin Flames Universe official Facebook Page:

Twin Flames Universe on Tiktok:

The Mind Alignment Process (MAP): https://mindalignmentprocess

Show Notes

In Episode 21 Liënne fills us in on her Twin Flame journey which began in High School when she set her heart on finding her Ultimate Lover but felt unclear on how to realize this relationship goal.

Her determination led her to answers through her Gurus Jeff & Shaleia. As an original live student of the recorded classes of Twin Flame Ascension School, she learned all the tools she needed to heal upsets and have the Twin Flame relationship she yearned for.

Throughout most of Liënne’s Twin Flame experience, she appeared alone, but she shows us how God was always there at her side, and how she used her reality to guide her closer to her perfect partner, whilst simultaneously exploring her Life Purpose.

Liënne’s journey shows us that all we need to do is heal our consciousness, upset-by-upset, and then our whole Universe comes into alignment. In Liënne’s case, until she found herself miraculously living together with her true Twin Flame!


At Twin Flames Universe, you have everything you need to permanently heal separation from your Twin Flame and achieve your Harmonious Union. The journey to Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is a science and a process that we are here to help you master for yourself.

To get started, be introduced to your Twin Flame Ascension Journey, and sign up for our free Introduction Course, click here:

Join our free Twin Flame Facebook Group:

Jeff and Shaleia's YouTube Channel:

Twin Flames Universe Instagram account:

Twin Flames Universe official Facebook Page:

Twin Flames Universe on Tiktok:

The Mind Alignment Process (MAP): https://mindalignmentprocess